Abdominal Fat More Than Triples Memory Loss And Dementia Risk

Researchers say high amounts of abdominal fat up dementia and memory loss risk

Researchers explain that this is because, according to recent evidence, a faulty fat metabolism affects memory and learning. More precisely, Garcinia Cambogia Extract it appears that the same protein that is in charge of controlling fat metabolism in the liver can also be found in the hippocampus, which happens to be the brain area in charge or controlling memory and learning. The researchers theorize that people who carry high amounts of abdominal fat in their middle age have less of this protein and that, in time, this leads to their developing memory loss and dementia, EurekAlert reports. The researchers wish to further investigate this link between fat and a higher risk for memory loss and dementia, and hope that they will be able to figure out a way to reduce people’s risk of developing these conditions. We need to better understand how fat is connected to memory and learning so that we can develop effective approach to protect memory and learning, said researcher Kalipada Pahan with the Rush University Medical Center. FILED UNDER:
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Is society marketing the wrong weight loss regimen? (Video)

The first groups 1000 calories consisted of 90% fat and the second groups consisted of 90% carbohydrate. What happened? The high fat group lost significant amounts of body fat and the carbohydrate group lost virtually none. Women today are coming up with excellent weight loss and diet plans which better exemplify exercise as the epicenter of their goals – not just cutting down on foods they need. The Key to Permanent Fat Loss The key to permanent fat loss and optimal health resides within the ratio of the macro nutrients taken in, such as protein, carbohydrates and fats in each meal. Every time you eat, these macro nutrients create a specific hormonal response in the body. Hormones are messenger molecules that regulate virtually everything your body does.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/is-society-marketing-the-wrong-weight-loss-regimen